• You need to know how many players you'll have at your game. Apps like GameChanger make attendance easy, let your player agent know if you want more info.
• You can play with a minimum of 8 players. In Majors and above the empty 9-hole counts as an out. I am working on a system for Pool Players. More to come soon.
• You should have received a sleeve of lineup cards with your team gear. When you run out, there's always money in the banana stand (lineup cards in the snack bar).
• Lineup cards should be filled out completely with player LAST name, number, positions, and ineligible pitchers. Don't write anything on the right side of the card, your entire lineup goes on the left.
• We have a contractor prep all fields before the first game of the day, but the home team is responsible for any needed pregame field prep.
Pregame Warmup• Games are scheduled tight this season, don't expect to warm up on-field. Teams should warm up beyond the outfield fence of their game field, with the home team in left or center and the visitors in right or center.
• If the game before yours ends early, your team can enter the field through an outfield fence, drop gear along the foul line, and continue warming up in the outfield.
• Do not allow any of your coaches or players to enter the dugout until the last person from the prior team has exited. Do a quick visual sweep of the dugout to ensure no gear or trash is left behind.
• Players should line up bats and helmets outside the dugout fence for Umpire inspection.
• All players must be inside the dugout during the plate meeting.
During your game
• Remember that we are observing CBO (continuous batting order) meaning that all players present will bat. Substitutions do not need to be reported beyond pitchers and catchers, but minimum play still applies.
• Teams are limited to a maximum of three pre-screened adults per game. You may not have a fourth coach (or anybody else) hanging around your dugout door. If you require, a player may coach first and/or third base with a batting helmet. An adult MUST be in the dugout at all times.
• The manager is ultimately responsible for the conduct of players AND fans.
• It's important to keep things moving. Have your pitchers ready to go, run for your catcher as needed, and work out a system to keep your dugout moving smoothly. Coaches may warm up pitchers as needed.
• Best Practice: Have your in-the-hole hitter retrieve the bat from the batter's box and exchange it for their own. This takes the responsibility off your on-deck hitter and ensures your in-the-hole is helmeted and ready to go.
• Players may not wear jewelry on the field, and pitchers must not wear any kind of distracting clothing. Arm sleeves are only permitted in solid colors other than white or grey.